Blue tri male chihuahua puppy for sale in Lexington, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $500
Type: Animals,
For Sale
- Private.
Tri colored blue male chihuahua puppy for sale. He was born on 6/24/15 and will be ready for his new home on 8/6/15. Both parents on sight. Mom is a teacup and dad is a small toy. he will come with ckc registration and be utd on all shots and worming. Raised in our home, very loved and cared for.he is $500 and if you would like me to hold him to make sure he goes home with you I require a $50 non refundable deposit to hold until pick up date 8/6/15 and remaining $450 will be due on pick up. For more info or to make an appt. to come see him please call xxxxxxxx97. NO TEXT PLEASE.